We put effort into getting the outside looking the best that we can. And that’s good, but a pretty face can’t hide low self esteem, wearing the latest fashion can’t cover up feeling unattractive. I wonder what would happen if we would take five minutes every morning to get our inner person ready for the day. What would happen if before we leave the house, we would remind ourselves who we are. I am talented. I am forgiving. I am favored. I am strong. I am healthy, I am amazing.
Take time to make these positive affirmations over yourself. If you do it in the morning, it will get that recording started off in the right direction. The more you do it, the more it will get down on the inside. Just like the negative can get into your subconscious and hold you back this positive will push you forward, it would do good to make a list of those affirmations.
Start deleting those thoughts that are telling you you’re unattractive. You are too small, you’re not enough. Those lies have played long enough, start playing who you truly are. You’re beautiful You’re valuable. You’re amazing.
You cannot replay negative, defeating limiting words, and reach your highest potential words are powerful. They’re like seeds. When we believe them when we dwell on them, they’ll take root, they can grow and become what was saying. That’s great when it’s positive, but every person has negative words spoken over there. People try to hold you back people try to discourage you do like him, delete it and become who you were meant to be.
Instead of dwelling on what somebody said, how they made you feel inferior. When you dwell on, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a masterpiece, the infection starts to clear up. Instead of playing that recording, “you won’t do, you’re not good enough”, start saying “I am talented! I am creative! I am one of a kind!” Those thoughts, bring healing. Whatever has held you back. You have the prescription.
Delete the lies. Start playing what you know is true about yourself.